Thursday, April 14, 2011

Slumdog Savior

I watched Slumdog Millionaire last night. I hadn't seen it since I saw it in theater. What a beautiful movie! I could go on about all the reasons I love that movie, but I only want to highlight one. The young man that is constantly pursuing the girl he loves, no matter what horrible circumstances come their way, is such a beautiful picture of God pursuing us.
Even after she has rejected him, been held as a slave, and been hurt inside and out, he still wants her. He sees her beauty and is willing to do anything to have her. She loved him too, but for various fear-based reasons, didn't have the guts to pursue him. Until the end. And when she finally finds the man who has pursued her all her life, what does she do? As he gently takes off her head scarf, it seems she suddenly becomes self-conscious of her scar and looks down in shame that she is not as beautiful as when he saw her last. Irrational fear has once again gripped her and paralyzed her from thinking that she is worthy of being the object of his love. Maybe she thinks that his love is based on her looks and fears rejection. Maybe she is ashamed of something in her past. His response is so moving though. At first he looks concerned, or sad for her, out of genuine empathy. And then he gently kisses the scar as if to say both that he wants to heal her wounds and that he accepts and loves her just as she is, scar and all.
Wow. Such love and beauty in that story. And such a picture of what we do when we come to Christ and what He does in response.
Thank you Jesus for pursuing me and loving me, scars and all! I highly recommend you look at these pictures I found on someone's blog and and take some time to thank Jesus for loving you in this way too!

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