Thursday, April 7, 2011

Here I am, like it or not

This is my first sentence, of my first entry, of my first blog. It’s been a long time coming. And here it is. Wow. There are a lot of ideas in my head that are eagerly waiting to come out. Who knows what will happen when I lower that dam and pent up thoughts and words just start crashing down like a waterfall onto my blog. Will they make sense? Will anybody read them? Will anybody care? Who knows, but I am trying not to care. I am doing this for me just as much as for anyone else. I need to write for my own sanity. The writer in me wants to come out, so here I am. I will be honest though, I am a little scared. I know I will be exposing my inner thoughts for all to see. The thought of being judged, compartmentalized, or labeled as I put myself out there makes me a little fearful. But, all in all, it is worth the risk, right? I think of the saying, “It is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.” The possible reward is worth the possible cost of failing. What are the rewards of writing a blog? Relationship with you. As you get to know me, and I get to know you through your comments, and we share intimate revelations on our journey of life, a connection will form over time that is worth every word we write. Or at least that is how I hope it goes. We will see.

The name of this blog, Patches of Sonlight, was inspired by one of my heroes, C.S. Lewis. He was once was describing things of beauty and used the phrase “patches of Godlight.” I want to write about things that are highlighted by God in my heart and see the revealed beauty in them. I imagine a patch of sunlight coming through my window, my cat Pepper finding that spot and taking a nap in it. I want to find the patches of light that the Son of God has created and left for me to discover. I want to sit in that place for a while, and bring Him glory by writing about it. I hope that I can shed light on things that reveal aspects of God and beauty found in unusual places.

So where am I finding beauty today, you ask? It has already begun as my beautiful son and daughter woke up and gave me a big hug. I love hearing their sweet yet raspy morning voice say, “Good morning Daddy!” I see God’s beauty in their heart and I see glimpses of His love for me in my love for them. Just as I want the absolute best for them, He wants that for us. Just as I want to make a breakfast for them that will nourish them and give them the start to the day they need, so He wants that for us spiritually. So I am eager to find out what my Heavenly Father has prepared for me this morning and this day. I know He has something really awesome up His sleeve. Will I find it in my job interview? Will I find it in my setting up of ping-pong tables with my fellow ping-pong friends? Or will I find it in the silence of the hour that my wife and son are at the doctor, and I get to be alone with Him? When I find it, I will write about it, you can read it, and all will be right with the world.

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